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Leverage Google Analytics on your WordPress website

August 13, 2018

Google Analytics is a digital marketing tool that allows you to measure the results of your WordPress website’s traffic, marketing campaigns, and to estimate how successful they are. By simply placing the a short line of code on every page of your website, you can start gathering various kinds of data.

Channels of Traffic

Google Analytics shows all channels which direct traffic to your website. This includes search, social media or direct visits. This allows you to review which advertising campaigns is working well. If you are investing money into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or Social Media Marketing, you can view the success of the outcome.

Conversion & Event Tracking

Your can further tweak your analytics by implementing conversion or event tracking. You can set up goals, which users should perform on your website (i.e. register, leave a comment, subscribe to newsletter or make a purchase) and conversion tracking will show what percent of your audience successfully performed these tasks.


Google analytics provides you with various reports, displaying data in convenient way, such as graphs, diagrams or usage trends reports. This is extremely useful to see a complete image of how your website interacts with users.

To Sum Up…

Google Analytics allows you to track many important metrics. You can use these metrics to estimate the results of your online strategies, measure effectiveness of your content and see how satisfied your users are. The data shows you what is working well, and what should be improved. This allows you to craft a customized and relevant site experience for your audience that will keep them coming back for more.