Business standards – get and retain customers online

Business standards – get and retain customers online

July 11, 2012

It’s already been two months since Simplistics has been in operation – two months full of mistakes and great adventures. Since we have learned so much through our failures, we thought we would share our biggest experience with you.

We learnt this early; set your standards. This has to be the key aspect to your online success.

How do you want your clients to perceive your company? Standards help define your business and how your customers see you. It’s every businesses goal to retain clients – to lock them in for the long haul. Honesty and the belief in the product you’re selling will take you far past your competitors.

When Simplistics first opened, we were still defining our standards. One early customer in particular insisted they needed a system to help organize their files. We would continue to work out a deal to no avail. We went as far as putting them on a payment plan, even though the price we offered wouldn’t even put bread on our tables.

We set a new standard from that point – we aren’t trying to make a quick dollar. If the system is not in our customer’s best interest, we simply won’t take the job.

Building standards that fits your company’s morals will ultimately help define your clientele. Retaining a customer is always easier than making a new one.